Monday, November 4, 2013

What's in a Commitment?

The thought occurs to me that for many of us, if not most, "commitment" is a value held pretty close to the heart.  It's probably not overstating it to say that without it, not much of enduring quality is even possible.  Just mull over what marriage or another relationship of central importance in your life would look like without it.  Or, consider what civic organizations and other service clubs might look like with out it.  What would employment look like without commitment on the part of employer and employee?  How about the "insurance world" without it?

And yet the current trend in church life seems to be to downplay commitment, particularly where membership and support are concerned.  On some levels, I understand this because blind commitment to religious organizations has led to all sorts of problems and abuses in the past - I get that.  But I think we end up losing something important when we say to people that commitment to the church isn't important, that they can just come and participate with no invitation to take that relationship to a deeper level.  Hear me: I'm not saying that people aren't welcome to come and be part of our ministries if they're not members!  I am saying that a commitment is a beautiful expression of the value a relationship holds for those who are a part of it.

And it's a two-way deal.  In the case of the church member, it says, "I as a member value what the larger body offers  me as a place to be embraced, appreciated, encouraged, and assimilated into meaningful relationships and places to give of myself and to serve."  In the case of the church, it says, "We as a body joyfully recognize you as a part of who we are and who we are becoming.  We celebrate what you bring to us - your gifts, your skills, your passions, and your calling to serve in ministry.  And we trust you to be a part of leading us into our future."

We're celebrating "Commitment Sunday" here at Ft. Collins First United Methodist this coming Sunday, Nov. 10th.  It's an important day for us, as we will be inviting all present to be part of a processional of commitment, making pledges to support our ministries in a variety of ways, with particular emphasis on supporting the budgetary needs for the coming year and the maintenance needs for our "mature" facility!  (We celebrate 50 years at our present location next October.)

My design is to make this Commitment Sunday one of joyful celebration of what God will do among us in the year ahead though our trust in Him by lifting up the values of commitment rather than the needs of the Church.  I'd be more than happy to hear from you if you have any reflections you'd like to share with me on what commitment means to you.

Have a great week - hope to see you Sunday.


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